Monday, October 28, 2013

Monday, 10/21/13 - Sunday 10/27/13

Monday – Today was our P-day which was really fun.  We went back to doing our P-day volleyball at the park on the sand court. I played way bad but it was still way fun. I won one game with Elder Elmer on my team. I wrote some letters and some emails and we shopped. Then we had dinner with the Thatcher’s which was really awesome. We had great food and got to teach the kids about baptism and priesthood authority. That was fun. Did an object lesson where you put pepper in water and then put dish liquid on your finger and when you dip in your finger the pepper goes to the edge of the bowl. No idea how it works. Also saw Brother Burbidge at the park when playing volleyball. Saw the Woodring’s and taught about the temple. Brother Woodring really wants to go to the temple now! That was sweet to see. Then went home to figure out the new weekly zone goals.

Tuesday – Today was District Meeting and we went to the Fort Walton 1st Ward. Elder Schwartz is the District Leader and he invited the spirit in really good. We then went on an exchange with him and Elder Anderson. I stayed in Fort Walton with Elder Schwartz and Elder Anderson went to Crestview with Elder Winter. Elder Schwartz and I had some lunch and then headed out to teach Billy and Reed who are two less active guys. Interesting guys that are into World of Warcraft and seem to play way too much. Then we taught a solid plan of salvation with a guy named Rick. He has so much truth! Set a baptismal date of November 30th with him. Then we went to the Bodine’s for dinner with them and the Spanish Elders, Elder Bravo and MacClay. Good homemade Mexican food. Then we headed over to the Irwin’s and listened to them complain about “Utah Mormons”. They are a part member family. I don’t really see much of a different between LDS members in Utah or down here. Members come in every variety everywhere. Then we hustled to the church to do a baptismal interview. Elder Schwartz interviewed the Sister’s gator, Mark Harroway. Cool guy!  14 MONTHS!

Wednesday – After trading back we went to see Jamie and taught a little lesson on forgiveness. Unfortunately she was not in a very good mood so that made it less effective. Then had a two-second lunch before heading to do some service for Donna. We got there and ended up having to empty the drain rock and drain pipe out of the ditch because it had to be a bit deeper of a ditch. We did that and then had to re-work everything. Then we had an appointment with a really cool young man named Austin. Read from the Book of Mormon with him and he seems to like it. Then we headed to the Boyd’s for dinner and coordination. Brother Boyd is doing a pretty good job thus far as Ward Mission Leader. We need some ward missionaries now so we can get some members out to lessons. Then while we were heading to see Ryan we saw Angie outside of the Crestview Manor and realized it was our turn to go see her so we stopped and went and read with her. She is so excited to learn and hopefully she keeps on learning. She is going through a tough time and so a set of missionaries visits her almost every day.

Thursday – Today we started our day by going to see Marisol who is Brian’s mom. We stopped by to drop off some tape for boxes that she needed to pack up, then we went to the church to teach James. Reviewed the Restoration with him. He is really awesome and solid. Going to be fasting for him tonight and tomorrow. Jamie fell through so we headed home to do our weekly planning. Brother Fisher came and dropped off some food for us. The Fisher’s are pretty awesome. We talked to him and Brian (guy in our complex…likes to drink) for a minute before continuing weekly planning. Then we headed out to see Austin, a young 15 year old guy that we are teaching now, same one we saw yesterday. Really good kid. We talked about scary movies and stories for a bit then we had to leave right as we started sharing our message. Then we went up to see the Roger’s, but saw Sister Parker, the Bishop’s wife, out cleaning her yard so we helped and then met Matt, their daughter’s boyfriend. He isn’t a member, but Sister Parker was telling us that his parents give him way strict rules, so that makes her pretty happy. Then we ate a quick dinner and then went to the church to meet up with Johnny and show him around. He didn’t show up. So we got some treats from the event at the church, a communication devotional.

Friday – Went over to teach Brian and Alisha and to also get our duct tape from Marisol, which neither worked. We did get to teach Anna, Marisol’s sister-in-law, about how the gospel will help to bless her and bring her the things she needs. Then we tried to see a lady named Tiffany that fell through. So we went to see the old stake president, President Hill. He is less active now and we don’t know why. After that we met Sister Ohku at Jamie’s and that is exactly what Jamie needed. Sister Ohku bore some strong testimony. Folded Jamie’s laundry while teaching and also raked leaves with Connor and Lance, two of the Barbecho boys. Then we contacted an HQ referral named David and taught him. He has come a long way! Then we headed over to a part member family, the Smith’s. Then we had dinner and a lesson with the Nimmo’s who are awesome investigators. Their kids are really cool too! They play soccer which is sweet. Gots to love soccer!
Saturday – Today we went to breakfast with President Miller at Ryan’s. After breakfast we studied in the car in the Ryan’s parking lot. Then we headed to the Barbecho’s to see Ben and Jamie. Taught them a really good lesson and got to answer some great questions that Ben had. After that we headed home to have lunch and studies and to also finish up some of our weekly planning. Just needed to make a progress record because we didn’t have time yesterday or Thursday. Then we headed out to try to see Brian but he was nowhere to be found so we walked around to find Anna or Marisol or someone. No luck so we went and read with Angie Davis. Talked to her about her conversion and about her surgery coming up. She has two hernias. Then we went to a Halloween thing downtown but decided it wasn’t a great idea so we left. Not a great atmosphere to talk about the gospel. Then had the Ward dinner/trunk-or-treat. Success! Andy was there and so were the Nimmo’s which was awesome. After, we had a lesson with Johnny. Brother Climer came and Brother Lawrence wanted to tag along too. Both of them were involved and it was such a powerful lesson.

Sunday – Great Sabbath day today! Church was really good. In Sacrament, the Kirby’s spoke and so did Elder Winter all about missionary work. Spirit was really strong and even was during the other classes. Had our studies and lunch and then went to see if Ryan or Taressa were home, but they weren’t. So we headed over and were able to catch Brian and Alisha out washing a car. Anna was out there as well so we taught her a bit. Then we were called over by a group of people to come talk to them. Pretty sketchy people and weird experience. Then we went to the Parker’s to eat with Bishop and his family. Had a steak the size of my head and a baked potato the size of both of my fists! Also had a delicious brownie! Then got pictures with Angie before heading to the Bissen’s with Bishop to teach Andy. Lesson went well. Our new thing is to get a ton of members to Andy and hope that will help him. I really love that guy and hope he can figure it out and know this is true.

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