Thursday, June 20, 2013

Monday 6/10/2013 – Sunday 6/16/2013

Monday was P-day and I decided that I am going to start writing about how I have seen God's hand in my life each day. I was listening to a talk by President Eyring and that is what I learned from it. I also saw God’s hand when we were teaching Steve. The Spirit was there and I really believe that he felt it. He seems like he really has a desire to read from the Book of Mormon. We went and picked up a talk from Sister McArthur and it really seems like the ward is getting more excited about missionary work right now. We did the normal stuff and also had some Mexican food with the Brooke's.

Tuesday was District Meeting which was really good. Also did a trade-off with Pine Forest. I went to Pine Forest with Elder Helmandollar. We had a really good day seeing investigators and a few less actives. The way I saw God's hand in my life wasn't completely in my life, but more so Elder Helmandollar's. He has a rep of being disobedient, but he seems to work hard and still have fun. He told me that he has been waking up on time and that makes me really happy. He has grown a lot and God has changed him. I want to have the mission really turn me into a disciple of Christ. I always do my best, but I want to keep getting better. I love Elder Helmandollar.

Wednesday was a great and busy day. Our gators, Josh and Anna, dropped us. I realized how amazing it is that I am where I am. God has really blessed me to be able to overcome the things that I have. I was inactive for so long. I grew up with my Dad that was there, but not as an example of what to do, especially in the priesthood. My Mom was always there though! I also missed a ton of school and failed a lot of classes. I made a ton of bad decisions, but somehow God's been able and loving enough to lift me and bear my burdens. I know that there were many praying for me. While we were out, I realized that I still continue to become better because of even more prayers. I am so grateful for the growth that I have seen the past 3 years. God has answered and continues to answer prayers on my behalf. That is how I saw God's hand. Quote of the day: "The squeaky wheel gets the grease." Bishop Smith. Today I talked to a guy named Melvin who wanted Romney to be president. First black person I have heard say that on my mission. haha.

Thursday was weekly planning and that is where I saw God's hand in my life. Elder Smith and I talked about my relationship with my Dad and I guess you could say that I came to realize that with all that has happened throughout my life that my relationship with my father can improve. I do love him, but maybe not as much as I could. I don't know how to do this, but it is worth a shot. Tonight we also had our Thursday basketball and I played really well. We had 16 guys including us there. A lot of them left when we began the message though. That kinda sucked! Good day though.

Friday we had a good day! We have had a lot of success with less actives lately. Today while we were teaching one of them named Ricky, I noticed God in my life. We were talking about the sacrament and I realized that when you really prepare yourself for the sacrament, you will have great experiences. I remembered a couple weeks ago when I really prepared and prayed and asked for forgiveness for all the sins that I commit on a daily basis and I asked for a spiritually uplifting experience, and during sacrament I felt the spirit really strong. We also taught the Curry's and ate there. Brother Curry is doing awesome with quitting smoking! We also taught Sister Carter, a less active, and she was way nice, just doesn't believe the church is right for her. We did clear up a couple concerns.

Saturday we taught a lot of lessons. Well 3 if that is a lot. We ate at a restaurant called Ollie's that a less active member, Brother Ley, manages at. This is where I was able to see my tender mercy for the day. They were having some sort of photo shoot with motorcycles and women in bikinis. It saddens me that those kinds of things are done. These are the last days! Any way, my tender mercy was being able to not have a desire to look. I saw them and immediately was able to look away and not really even feel tempted to look back. I know that I was baptized and in being baptized I am a representative of Jesus Christ. The restaurant was really good food too by the way!

Sunday we had a good day at church. Father's Day program. Sister Schoonover spoke in Sacrament and it was a way awesome talk! Loved Brother Porter's as well! Ate with the Hardman's. Good food! Taught Marcus about prayer. He still will not ask God questions. So today a tender mercy was that we had like 5 or 6 less actives to church and we contacted all of them this week and 4 of them were because we invited them. So it was awesome to see our work pay off. 

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