Monday, December 17, 2012

Monday 12/10/2012 – Sunday 12/16/2012

Monday was the busiest P-Day. We had to clean two flippin' apartments because we had to move last week so we barely got everything done that needed to get done. We then went shopping and emailed our people. Then we went to dinner with the Oaks family. They got us Chick-fil-a which was pretty good. Then we came home and started putting our testimonies in the front of some copies of the Book of Mormon.

Tuesday I got my ear problem resolved so everything should be good from now on. We also taught Amy the last lesson until she becomes a member. She is still as awesome as ever! That is all that happened that is worth mentioning haha.

Wednesday we went to Dan's for breakfast and he made us some French toast which was pretty good! He is such a great guy. We also had a lesson with him and Elder Lovell bore his testimony to Dan and it was so amazing!! Dan felt the Spirit so strong as did all the rest of us. You could have cut that Spirit it was so thick!! I almost wanted to so I could keep it forever! Then later that day Elder Olsen had to do a baptismal interview and the girl was kinda messin' around and not taking it too serious so he couldn't pass her on in. So she is going to do it again in a couple days when she understands the magnitude more.

Thursday we had a bug guy come and spray our place to get rid of some more roaches. Then we went to the half mission conference and it was way good! We listened to missionaries bear their testimonies for a bit then had some talent from missionaries. We also ate and watched a couple more groups of missionaries do talent and then watched the movie "Brave" from Disney. Then after President Jensen called a few of us up and I was one of them. He told us that some people donated stuff for less fortunate missionaries and that we in a sense qualified, I guess is how I would put it. So I got some stuff, but I haven't opened any of it yet. I am so thankful for all the people that donated to that cause. It made me think of my Mother and how much she would appreciate it and it made me feel good. I do know that there is a sweater and two ties in it though. That was really cool to receive! Amy also passed her baptismal interview and we got that all squared away. I will also get to baptize her which is so exciting! I couldn't believe she wanted me to do it!

Friday we got our weekly planning out of the way. Then we finally got to do a full day of missionary stuff after such a chaotic week and a half. Did some tracting and mainly just planted seeds. Elder Olsen re-interviewed that girl and she was awesome and passed. Had the Ward Christmas Party which was fun! Joked around a bit with Elder Mower, one of the couple missionaries.

Saturday we went to the Martin's to help with Christmas lights and to help his friend move. Then we went to Marsha and Ben's again to help them put the same door back in because it didn't work out too well the first time. Then we had Amy's Baptism!!!! It was awesome!! So spiritual. When I baptized her, I somehow bumped her head on the stair or the bottom of the font. I'm an idiot haha.... but she said it didn't hurt so I was glad. The spirit was awesome and then Amy bought us food at TGI Friday's. It was so flippin' good and I am so happy for Amy!

Sunday we had PEC and Ward Council and Church. Amy was confirmed by Bishop Matkin. I felt the spirit pretty strong during that. Then we taught the lesson in Gospel Principles and I felt like I couldn't talk. It was even on the Spirit world which is one of my favorite topics. After church, we did a little mini lesson with Jonathan because his wife, Lauren, and baby were asleep. They are hard to teach because they are always going out of town. Then we went and gave Amy's daughter Jamie a blessing and at first she wasn't too happy about that. She got scared when I started to anoint her, then they got her to fall asleep so we were able to bless her. Then we had dinner at the Hodge/Berkley home. That is Keith's family and we had good food! Then when we got home we for some reason were closing our eyes and using Elder Lovell's cane to try and find the tree in our yard. We both were able to do it pretty well. Okay it was sad, we were awful! Fun day!

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