Monday, November 19, 2012

Monday 11/12/2012 – Sunday 11/18/2012

Monday was a busy P-day. We washed our cars…by hand, had some pizza at Stevi B's, emailed, shopped, cleaned and then had dinner. The highlight of the day was going to the Looney's and taught Amy about the gospel!!! She has been reading and praying all on her own! We taught her how to recognize the spirit and about the word of wisdom. She committed to live the word of wisdom. Then we played a card game called BS and that was way fun.

Tuesday we tried to see Zach and he said it wasn't a good time. Later we went to Rosalin Davis' to talk to her about her son getting the priesthood. They are less active so we have to get them to church first. We ended up tracting a lot today and getting appointments canceled on us. My ears are still plugged so we used these "ear candles" and it helped but not completely.

Wednesday we tried to see Ramon and we are pretty sure he gave us the wrong address so we tracted a lot. Went to see a referral, Alisha, and she wasn't home so we tracted and found a girl named Takeisha. She is doing a project for school about religion so we taught her a bit and she wanted to come to church to see what it is all about. She jokingly said that she might just get converted haha. So we are going to see what that turns in to. We also did more ear candles and I fell asleep praying.

Thursday I had my first Zone Conference! It was really good and I learned a ton from it and took a lot of notes. It went from 8:15 to about 4:30ish. We found out that by October of next year we will have 100 Sisters. Right now we have 12. When that ended we went and got 69ers with the other Elders that we drove to Zone Conference. Then we went to Tabatha's for a lesson with Keith and she wasn't home so we took Keith home and then went to dinner with Brother Gorby. He is Rod that I baptized a while back. I played chess on his iPad and I actually won a game! Then we went to the Looney's to teach Amy again and it was kind of a weird lesson because the spirit just didn't feel like it was there.

Friday we had to do our weekly planning. After that we went to our appointment with Beth and she wasn't home, but we did get to see Dewayne. So we stopped and talked to him and committed him to read and pray. We also committed him to go to church. Then we went to see Beverly and Walter, but they cancelled on us so we went to see Malcolm and Kai (Ky). They are a couple that Elder Olsen used to teach. They know we believe in Christ, but they think we have false prophets and all that. So we testified a lot.

Saturday we had two of our solid investigators, Dewayne's family and Whitney, cancel on us. It was still a good day though. We went to see some referrals and did some fruitless tracting. Then we went to the Stuckey's and talked to Brother Stuckey. Really cool guy and we got a referral from him. Then we had to jet to go get Keith and go to dinner and to an appointment. Our appointment fell through, but Tabatha did say she wanted to go to church Sunday. Took Keith home and headed to an appointment that fell through, but we did help a guy named Allen. We temporarily helped him fix his car. He was 50 miles from home, but after we helped him he called us cause he kept breaking down.

Sunday we found out Allen did make it home luckily. Then we went to church and Takeisha did come. She is very outspoken and she speaks her mind. She thought a lot of things we did were weird. We also found out from Sister Looney that Amy does want to get baptized!!! I am very happy for her. Then we ate and studied after church and meetings before heading to get Keith to go to Tabatha's. We found out that Tabatha knows the Book of Mormon is true she just has some complications.

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