Monday, January 27, 2014

Monday, 1/20/14 - Sunday, 1/26/14

Monday – Today was the P-day we found out about who is transferred. Found out we are staying and there aren’t very many changes in our zone either. Elder Elmer, Elder Brewington, Sister Strickland and Sister Jicha will be leaving. Sad to see them all go. Had our emailing at the Burbidge’s where we learned from Brother Burbidge…and I quote, “Just because you kiss her on the mouth doesn’t make you related.” Good emailing. Ate with them as well. They are so cool! Listened to a talk for P-day. Ate at the Taylor’s and Brother Taylor showed us some cool “magic” tricks. I left my planner. Went to see the Lynch’s, an HQ referral, who told us to come back in an hour. So we figured out transfers then went back and Brother Cockrell came too. They told us they weren’t interested. Brother Cockrell bore some strong testimony! Tried to see a couple others who weren’t home before heading in.

Tuesday – Today was a pretty sweet day. We went to Defuniak’s District Meeting to see how Elder Rasmussen is doing. He did great! Afterwards we took our District pictures and had a combined District activity with Crestivew and Defuniak Districts. We played football and it was really fun! The Sisters even played. Sister Shattuck was a beast! She threw two touchdown passes! It was sick! I thought it was such an awesome idea for a District activity. Don’t worry it was flag football. The Bailey’s and Habel’s fed us cake after football and then we headed home after for lunch. I also threw three touchdown passes, one to Rasmussen and two to Larsen. Then Brother Kriser came to teach Theresa and Ariel with us. We had a great lesson about missionary work. Then we headed to see a ton of others that fell through but then Sesal was home so we talked with him about helping him fix his cars. That would be sweet! Then headed to the Wyatt’s for dinner and a lesson. It was good! I really like the Wyatt’s. Had a quick message with the Taylor’s because we didn’t get to yesterday. They gave me my planner back. They wrote some jokes in it! So funny! They also put a bunch of really funny things in the plans like: paint my nails, braid my companion’s hair, and exchange friendship bracelets with President Miller. They are funny! We also went to the Bissen’s to read with Andy and they are getting serious about buying a house. So that will be cool for them. Andy needs some more push and some more love from the Ward and he should be good.

Wednesday – Today was transfers and we said goodbye to some great missionaries but I am sure the ones coming in will be great as well. Did some tracting with Elder Swenson to try and find someone down south. We unfortunately didn’t find anyone. Tried to see a couple potential investigators as well and then sent Elder Swenson back to his area after the second transfer with his new companion. Went to the more ghetto part of our area to try and contact a couple of people. Met a cool guy named James and his wife Robin. They were pretty interested and we also met a couple really nice ladies next to our HQ referral that we received. Got an appointment with one of them. Saw the Vining’s and set up a FHE. Then we ate at the McKenzie’s and did some doorbell ditching after. Dropped some treats off at different member’s homes, rang and then ran. Then had a good lesson with the Bissen’s. A later lesson but it worked out well. Read through some of the Joseph Smith History.

Thursday – Today we began the day with some weekly planning. Didn’t quite finish. Started our teaching by seeing a guy named Napier that the Sisters referred us to. He is a good guy. He struggles to understand a bit. He actually is schizophrenic. He has an MC Hammer cassette tape. Cool stuff! Then ran to see Levi which fell through so we went and got a card for Theresa because it is her birthday today! Yay! Then went to the park to meet Alonzo and teach him. He told us he didn’t want to come to church anymore but couldn’t give us a good reason. It was weird so we tried to help him understand the gospel but it didn’t work as well as we would have liked. Then we headed to see the Woodring’s and shared President Uchtdorf’s “You Can Do It Now” talk with them. Hopefully we can get them back to church. Then ran to Theresa and Ariel’s. Met the Bailey’s there and when Theresa came to the door we sang Happy Birthday. The Bailey’s brought a cake so we ate that and chatted. Theresa also passed her test yesterday so she will be getting her job soon!Headed off to the Thomas’ to actually teach someone but we didn’t find anyone for it so Sister Thomas fed us which was awesome. Then went home teaching to the Warner’s with Brother Peterson. That was awesome. They are a cool family.

Friday – Today was way fun. We went to April’s for the first time in a long time to do work on her property. We were chopping down trees. We were chopping down dead ones. We didn’t get all the dead ones yet. She is planning on making a little bow and arrow/BB gun shooting target which should be way cool. We also heard that it snowed last night here and when we left April’s it started sleeting/hailing. I’m not quite sure which it was. Had some weekly planning. Then we taught Boss Hog. Also known as Isaac and his friend Joe L. they are both actually nicknamed Boss Hog but Joe L. goes by Tick. Devon came with and we set a baptismal date. After dinner with the Fisher’s which was fun. Then we had volleyball. I played as a one-man team which isn’t good for winning but it was hilarious.

Saturday – Today we had our appointment with President Miller to discuss the needs in the zone. Then we helped Brother Golson move over to a different apartment in the same complex. Then went to an appointment that fell through, but met an awesome lady named Sherry that said we could come teach her. Had lunch and then taught Napier and set a baptismal date for March 22nd. He understands things a bit better than we thought. Then Brother Wroten came out to see Johnny and he took us on an unexpected tour of a house. Then went to see Isaac but he wasn’t home so we talked with his girlfriend, Jessica, about her beliefs. That was really good! She is way nice. Then had a really good session of Stake Conference about hastening the work. Then had dinner and finished up most of our weekly planning.

Sunday – Today we started off with our companionship inventory because we didn’t get to do it. Then had a great session of Stake Conference. Elder Gay spoke and was really really good. Then Sister McConkie spoke and did good too. Then we had Elder Kopischke and Elder Nelson speak which was awesome. They all spoke from Orlando which was sad because we didn’t get to meet them. Then headed home to eat and study. Then had a lesson with Theresa and Ariel about Family Home Evening. TJ Miller came out with us which was fun. He is a good kid. Then went and ate a great dinner over at the Haines’ house. I love their family. They’re so da-ghum cool! Went to see Johnny but he told us to come back later. We did talk to Austin, his stepson, a bit before we pulled up. then we headed to see the Nimmo’s and they have been so busy lately. They’re so cool. Wish we could see them more. Then went and set up an appointment with Johnny for tomorrow.

Monday, January 20, 2014

Monday, 1/13/14 - Sunday, 1/19/14

Monday – Today was P-day and we stopped by Teressa’s because she asked us if we would be able to take a couple movies to the library. So we chatted with her for a bit about different things then headed to the library to email. Emailed and then went shopping. Played some basketball as well which was fun. I was on fire for some reason. Ate at the Thomas’ for dinner. The Bailey’s were there and we also taught a lesson to Brother Thomas. Went pretty good. Went to see Devonte to reschedule with him for tomorrow. After that we headed home to figure out everything about zone training tomorrow and are excited about it.

Tuesday – Today we had zone training so we headed to Niceville to set up. We also role played some stuff with the 2nd Ward Elders. Zone training seemed to go really well. I had fun teaching it. Then we went on an exchange with the Destin Elders. I went to Destin with Elder Simmons and Elder Miller went up to Crestview with Elder Evans. It was fun to be back with Elder Simmons after our days in the Pensacola Zone. He is a great guy and very outgoing. Talked to a lot of people! Went and saw a gator named Ernie and he gave me a sweet photo he took of the Destin sunset that looked like Christ in the clouds. Then went to see the Garcia’s and taught them a great little lesson. Went out with Brother Hoffer and went to Subway. While we were eating a cop walked in and said to leave because the building next door was on fire. So we did and watched from a distance expecting to see a show, but didn’t even see any smoke. They had 3 fire trucks and the chief and nothing happened. So we went with Brother Hoffer to see the Chapman’s to teach them. Ended up just teaching Mary for the most part. She said she will come to church. At one point her nephew ran down the stairs complaining about Mary’s daughter and I sarcastically told him to hit her back. It was pretty funny but I forgot kids don’t understand sarcasm. Then he ended up doing it and I felt really bad.

Wednesday – Today was a good day. Started off taking a ladies dog on a walk for some service. Elder Simmons and I walked him to the Destin Beach which was interesting. Really pretty beach too! Found out that you aren’t supposed to have dogs on the beach so we headed back to do the exchange report and to also have some lunch. Did a bit of role plays when my companion got back then headed to Niceville. I stayed in Niceville with Elder Brewington and Elder Swenson went up to Crestview with Elder Evans. Good exchange! Elder Brewington and I had a good day. We went to see Brother Howell and helped him put some pictures on LDS Planet. He wants to get married again. His wife passed a few years back. Also stopped and played some ball with a bunch of kids and gave them a pass along card. Met Brother Raider who was really cool. Then biked to Daryl’s who is a gator and walked to Sister Golden’s with him, Ate dinner there and had a lesson. Sister Golden was a boss! She is cool! Works on planes in the Air Force. I never would have guessed. Had basketball night planned but no one showed.

Thursday – Today was kind of an interesting day. First Elder Brewington and I did the exchange report and then did some interesting role plays with Elder Swenson and Elder Brewington. Then Elder Evans and I did our weekly planning in Niceville. I have never done weekly planning in another companionships apartment before that. It took a bit longer because it wasn’t home and they also came down a few times to ask us some questions. After we got our weekly planning done we headed to Fort Walton to do a baptismal interview for the 2nd Ward Elders down there. It was for John Gorham and he is a great guy. I am really excited for him. Then we headed back to Crestview to eat with the Wirt’s. Had some delicious pulled pork. Then headed to the Wyatt’s for a lesson with Brother Wyatt which went pretty well. I love the Wyatt’s! That about finished our day.

Friday – Today I had to fix my bike. I had 2 flats and my chain and gears needed to be cleaned. That took forever! We also finished up our weekly planning. Then we biked all the way down to the Barbecho’s. We went to see Jamie but Ben was home so she just left like she always does. So we taught Ben and his brother, Juan, about the restoration. That lesson went well. Ben really needs to solidify his testimony a lot more though but he is doing pretty good. That went long so we biked back to our car to meet Brother Cochran so he could pick us up for dinner. Got a bloody nose randomly. Ate dinner at the Cochran’s and the homemade bread is always great! Then we had volleyball to finish the night. Got home after and made all our calls.

Saturday – Had the usual meeting with President Miller. Ate at Ryan’s with him. Then went home to do our studies and had lunch. Got to teach Theresa and Ariel with Brother Fisher. Found out I have been spelling Theresa’s name wrong all this time. That was a really fun lesson. I really love teaching them. We went and taught about studying so they can have better studies. Also went and taught Brian Anderson and he found some interesting anti material to read so that was interesting. Biked to a couple places that didn’t work out and talked to a guy named Lloyd who seemed pretty interested. Also talked to a high/drunk guy which was interesting. He texted us and asked for 20 bucks. Had an awesome lesson at the Bissen’s. Andy is kind of losing his desire though. Then we went home to finish up our night.

Sunday! – Started off going to see Alonzo. He was heading to work. Chatted for a bit. Then headed to a few other places that didn’t work unfortunately. Talked to a really confused girl and then ate lunch. Ate in the church parking lot which was interesting. Then had church. That was fun. Brother Cochran gave a really good talk. Elders Quorum ended early, 20 minutes early which was a first for me. Went to teach Lloyd after church but that fell through. Went to see Johnny but he was busy cooking. We were going to tract but got a call from the Fort Walton Sisters and they told us Sister McKenzie wrecked on her bike so we called her to see if all was well. I couldn’t help but laugh when she told us she clipped a garbage can and flew over her handlebars. She told us President and the assistants laughed. Ate at the Peterson’s which was fun. They are awesome! Then went to the Nunley’s and taught their family the POS. Sarah brought her friend who is also named Sarah. It was awesome! Also right after church the Sisters called because they forgot their jacket that had keys in it. Brother Burbidge was going to take it to them but he checked the pockets…no keys. Brother Burbidge said, “Cast thy hands in the other coat.” They did and found the keys. They had them the whole time.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Monday, 1/6/14 - Sunday, 1/12/14

Monday – Today we got a call from Teressa in the morning because she has an interview in Marianna and needed a ride. We are excited that she has an interview. Then we did the normal P-day things of emailing, shopping and cleaning. We also washed and vacuumed the car because it got really dirty driving through Defuniak Springs. We also went to Subway because they are having “JanuANY” this month. Then played some “goalie” and some basketball with Elder Elmer and Elder Burnham. That was awesome. Then we had Brother Cockrell come out with us and everything we went to fell through. Then went to Teressa and Ariel’s with Brother Boyd. That was a good lesson. They are awesome! Then headed home to let the missionaries in the zone know about how many miles they will have.

Tuesday – Today we headed down to Niceville to meet the Niceville Elders and drive down to the Destin District Meeting. It was a different style of district meeting but Elder Simmons is very knowledgeable. Had some lunch at Chick-fil-A which was needed. It’s a pretty good restaurant. Headed back here to see Teressa because she called us and said she “didn’t want to do it” anymore. She didn’t want to meet or anything anymore. So I bore testimony and we went by ASAP! It went well when we went by. She has had so much great member support. Ate a quick dinner and then went to meet up with President Smith for the evening. Mostly everything with him fell through but we did get to give a couple blessings which was great. Gave Sister McKenzie one and Brother Harter also. I also got to talk to President briefly which was much needed. Great day overall. Also had to stay up to figure out what building has working heat for MLC tomorrow.

Wednesday – Today we had MLC first thing and it was a bit of chaos because we had to do it in a different building. We went down to Fort Walton because our building didn’t have working heat. It was a really fun and very spiritual meeting. Our total for baptisms last year was 324 and we set a goal this year for 373 and a stretch goal of 444. Our mission theme this year is going to be “Missionaries of Uncommon Valor”. It was good to chat a bit with Elder Winter and see how he has been doing. I also go to update him on what’s going on in the area. We then came home and saw Austin briefly to remind him of our appointment Friday. Had dinner with the Boyd’s and then coordination. We are going to have a member missionary training center next Wednesday. Should be great!

Thursday – Today we had our day of weekly planning that went well. Also taught Teressa and Ariel about tasting because we hadn’t taught Ariel that yet. Went over the baptismal interview questions which went well. They are ready! Had another lesson with a guy name Trey but that fell through. Began our trade-off with the Defuniak Elders. Elder Larsen came to Crestview with me and Elder Evans went to Defuniak with Elder Rasmussen. Elder Larsen and I headed to our dinner appointment with the Tatro’s which was fun! They are a really great family. They have some energetic kids. Then taught Johnny a really powerful lesson. The spirit was go strong and was enlightening Johnny’s mind when we asked questions. It was so awesome!

Friday – Today Elder Larsen and I continued our exchange. First thing we prepped for a church tour and made sure there would be hot water for the baptism tomorrow. Then we went to visit a bunch of people but no one was available. We did meet a guy named Devonte who was pretty nice and we gave him a Book of Mormon. We will see him next week. Ate lunch. Went out to try to see Jamie and ended up meeting Ben’s brother, Juan. Gave him a BOM and taught him a bit about it. Then went to Teressa and Ariel’s to do the baptismal interviews. Forgot the forms so Elder Elmer could sign them because he did them. So we drove around to the 2nd Ward Elders house and then to the church to get the baptism records. We got them and they both passed the interviews. Then went to Austin’s which fell through. Did the exchange report then headed to Defuniak to trade back. Had a lesson with Andy. Lost our phone and couldn’t find it anywhere. Played volleyball. Tried calling our phone. Called the Bissen’s. not anywhere. Prayed and the 2nd Ward Elders showed up and told us the Bissen’s had it. Went there and they had found it outside by calling it over and over.

Saturday – Today our first plan was Teressa and Ariel’s baptisms! It was such a great service. They had all sorts of Ward support. Bishop Parker baptized both of them. They will be great members of the church. The spirit was really strong and Teressa even bore her testimony at the end. It was so cool! After the baptism we had an unexpected lesson with Brian Anderson. He is having a hard time wrapping his head around authority but the spirit will help him. Went home and ate and did some zone stuff which took forever. Then taught Angie which went good. We read with them. Ate at Krystals which wasn’t that good, kinda lame actually. Then we taught Johnny which we think went pretty well. Also taught the Asble’s, a less active. That was interesting because when we walked in their 13 year old granddaughter, McKenzie, told me I was cute so that was odd. Gave her a Book of Mormon and during one part of our visit she turned on the ceiling fan/light because she was hot and Brother Asble said, “you sure you didn’t want to just see a bit better,” referring to her “cute” comment. It was so funny. Then she called me adorable when we were leaving. Strange visit there. That was about it for the night.

Sunday – Today was a pretty good day. We started the day by going to Ward Council. Took a long time. Came home for our studies and lunch. Headed out to go to Johnny’s so he could follow us to church. I really felt strongly that he would come this time but he wasn’t even at his house. It was really sad. Headed to church where Teressa and Ariel were confirmed members of the church and given the Gift of the Holy Ghost. Devon Brown did that ordinance and it was powerful. Teressa said she felt the same feeling she felt when we gave her a blessing. She said it was like a pressure within her chest. It was so cool! Cody Wells, one of the priests, came with us to teach Andy. It went well. Bishop after church challenged him to be able to go to the next temple trip. So we taught about temples and priesthood. Also taught Brian again. We are just trying to get him to ask God questions. He won’t ask so that is holding him back. Then we headed home to plan zone training.

Monday, January 6, 2014

Monday, 12/30/13 - Sunday 1/5/14

Monday – Today was a pretty good day. Did the usual. Played ball and unfortunately Elder Burnham hurt his knee. He has a torn ACL from before his mission and he just buckled his knee. He is doing good though. Taught Andy a really good lesson with Brother Burbidge. Brother Burbidge was a boss. He can teach! Then had a lesson with Teressa with Brother and Sister Boyd. It was a fantastic lesson. Teressa is so cool and she told us that she gets tired every time we leave which is cool because the spirit is tiring to be around. Got to know Teressa really well too! It was awesome! She also bore her testimony about the change she has had. It was a fun day.

Tuesday – Today has been a pretty fun day. We went down to Fort Walton to split up and go to both District Meetings. They are in the same building so it works well. I went to the 2nd Ward District Meeting and Elder Evans went to the 1st Ward’s. 2nd Ward’s was good! Elder DeGroff is a good district leader and his district meetings are fun. After that Elder Schwartz and I went up to Crestview while Elder Evans stayed in Fort Walton for our exchange. He was with Elder Anderson. It was an interesting day for Elder Schwartz and I. We had most of our appointments fall through and spent most of the day in the ghetto. In the evening we got to go to the Steele’s and eat with them which was fun. We were going to do a scripture study but didn’t have enough time. Talked with them about scripture study though. They really want to get it going in their family. Then we went to the Anderson’s and they were easting so we chatted a bit and then had to go in early due to it being New Year’s Eve. Happy New Year ladies and gents. Here comes 2014! Brian is out of jail.

Wednesday – Started off going to teach Alonzo and he wasn’t at the park so we didn’t get to and most of the other people that were going to come to the Elder’s Quorum activity didn’t. We were going to play “ultimate football” which is a mix of ultimate Frisbee and football. Didn’t because only Brother Climer and Brother Kriser showed up. So we played 2 on 2 Ultimate Frisbee. Elder Schwartz and I dominated! Then took Elder Schwartz back to Fort Walton and began another exchange. Had 1 with the 2nd Ward and Elder DeGroff came with me to Crestview while Elder Evans went with Elder Sorrell. Elder DeGroff and I went all the way to Laurel Hill for a baptismal interview. I interviewed Destiny Miller and she is ready for sure. Finally left there and had a couple things fall through but ran into Justin the 2nd Ward gator. Chatted for a bit and then had some lunch. Went and taught Brian a lesson on the Word of Wisdom. Got out of jail so we taught him and Alicia. Then we went to the Anderson’s to teach Brian Anderson and that went well. Hopefully cleared up some concerns. Ate at the Nunley’s and that was awesome! They are so cool. We were laughing and joking the whole time. They are a fantastic family! Then we taught Andy a lesson and he seems to be progressing very slowly. I feel he is getting there though. He will get baptized some day when he musters up enough faith. Then Elder DeGroff and I headed home for the night. Andy also did a really good Forrest Gump impression and we learned that Forrest Gump is one of his favorite movies.

Thursday – Today we headed down to Fort Walton again to trade back with the Fort Walton 2nd Ward Elders. Did some role plays before heading home to have lunch and then began some weekly planning and figuring out miles and all that good stuff. Then headed off to see Manny who told us he has been thinking about calling off our meetings. We talked to him a bit and he told us he would pray about it. Also had a lesson with Teressa and Brother Burton came along. Brother Burton was perfect because we taught Follow the Prophet and Brother Burton has met President Monson. He met him before he was the prophet but it was a perfect story. Then we headed to the Crestview 2nd Ward Elder’s place to begin our exchange with them. I will go to their ward with Elder Elmer and Elder Burnham will go to our area. Should be sweet!

Friday – Today Elder Elmer and I had a pretty good day. Listened to a sweet gospel CD by Alan Jackson called “Precious Memories’. It is all Christ centered songs. Music has really helped me lately. Singing and listening to songs about Christ are pushing me forward. Had a fun day with Elder Elmer even though a lot of things fell through. We got to teach Marty Humphrey’s a really good lesson about Christ and the Book of Mormon. He also has a really cool beard. Had a good dinner with the Newell’s. They are really nice but have an interesting teaching style for their children. We also played volleyball and it was really fun this time. It is always fun but we had more people which made it way better. Then we traded back and went to our own areas.

Saturday – Today we had breakfast with President Miller as usual. Had our studies and did a leadership exchange report with the 2nd Ward Elders because we didn’t have enough time after our exchange. Then we went to see President Hill, former Stake President. He bore his testimony and it was pretty powerful and he said he would be at church tomorrow. Went and taught Angie which was very interesting. We will just say there are some interesting peeps in her complex. Then we went to the Anderson’s and that was different. Brian just started editing Monopoly into a religious game so we helped and then played a bit. Then had dinner for my first time at the Clonts’ home. It was a good time. Sister Clonts is from Russia which is pretty cool. Stopped by to see Johnny and he was sleeping in the living room and he looked really uncomfortable. Went to Hardee’s to see if Alonzo was working. He wasn’t so we went to his place and got to talk and share a little message. Wow, he is going through a tough time.

Sunday – The first thing we did today now that Church is at 1:00 is we taught Teressa and Ariel. It was a great lesson. We talked to them about being baptized the 11th instead of the 18th and they want to so we are really excited! Elder Evans also drove past Sister Leifson and Sister Shattuck as they were walking and honked and scared them so bad. It was so funny! Had church and it was so awesome! I had a bad week and it was really what I needed and as I was listening to the hymns and reading “Savior, Redeemer of My Soul” the spirit came over me telling me all was well. Same thing happened during the testimonies that were born. I thought about getting up but had a prompting that said “just listen” and it was powerful. Took the sacrament to Brother Brandt, the 102 year old! Also took it to Sister Bodeman. Tracted a bit and ate at the Taylor’s which was awesome. They are the coolest family! Then went to see Johnny to teach him but ended up setting up an appointment for Tuesday.